
By isaiah


Sample blog!

By isaiahg

Update Attempts at exploiting by doing closing script tags should be fixed! Thank you a! Main header Sub header Smallest header type below Code block 1 An example of an IIFE! (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/IIFE (function() { for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { console.log(i) } })() Code block 2 const message = 'Hello world!' console.log(message)


By a


Node.js, the go-to for web development, isn't without its oddities!

By isaiahg

Intro Node.js, a favorite among web developers, has its fair share of quirks. From the confusion surrounding the global object and how it handles undeclared variables, to the perils of Automatic Semicolon Insertion causing unexpected results, Node.js keeps you on your toes. Add to that the popular "error-first" callback pattern and the distinction between Buffer and ArrayBuffer, and you've got a runtime environment that's as peculiar as it is powerful. console.log([]==[]) console.log([]===[])

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